21 Day Challenges

Our 21 day challenges will be EVERY month from the 1st to the 21st.

Find the monthly tiles on our team Vision Squad telegram chat group.
Each months challenge can vary based on prizes or payouts.
Be sure to add yourself to the NEW 21-Day challenge facebook group each month.
The link is always posted in the day 0 script if you can’t find it.
Listed below is the scripts to use to help you get people in the challenge.

Use these trackers to help you stay on track through the challenge:
Lead Tracker - use to track prospects for the challenge
21DC Tracker - use to track your challengers progress
**NOTE: Save these scripts to the notes on your phone for easy access to copy and paste.

Social Media Post

Melt Away May 21 Day Challenge
Join us for our next 21-Day transformation challenge!!
🌻 Starts May 1st-21st
🌻 Register NOW for ONLY $20!!
We want to help you get those results!!
What’s included???
🌻 Our Belly Flattening Meal Plan
🌻 21-Day Challenge Guide
🌻 7 days of workouts - at home & in the gym!
🌻 Private online community group
🌻 Accountability & support
** OVER $2000 in CASH PRIZES paid out for
highest % of weight loss and best before & after!
** Weekly raffles for participation!!
Drop a message below and I will send you the link!


Sign up here for vision squad notifications and your custom 21 day challenge link to send to participants. https://form.jotform.com/201667564631054


Create your own custom link

Hey! I am EXCITED that you have shown interest in joining our 21 Day Fit Challenge! This is going to be a lot of fun!
To sign up:
Go to the link provided below to register, and you will be able to pay your
$20 on the website using PayPal or a Credit/Debit card. 
https://form.jotform.com/201728348857062 (or replace with custom link)
**Please type in your first and last name plus my name as your coach!
**Once you have registered, a 21 Day Challenge Guide will be emailed/text to you, so be on the lookout. 
**Once you are signed up, we will chat about your GOALS! Feel free to contact me with any questions! This is going to be FUN!


Wellness Profile Script (COPY & PASTE. Do not send until they are registered)

Now that you are registered, please answer the questions below so I know how best to help coach you! 
You can copy and paste the questions to answer them.  
1. What are your wellness goals? Would you like to lose weight, gain weight, or build muscle?
2. What have you tried (before) to lose weight and why did it work, or not work
3. Do you skip any meals? If so, which meals?
4. Do you eat snacks? If so, what do you snack on?   
5. Do you go out to eat, and how often? 
6. How much water do you drink each day? What do you drink in addition to water? What else do you drink?
7. Tell me about your typical daily diet… Like what do you eat and drink and what times typically? 
Thank you!!!

Response to Wellness Profile

Look over the participants answers.  Choose a couple questions to give them a snippet of coaching before sending next script. 

 For example:
"Hey Susie, I see you are drinking 2 bottles of water a day.  That's great! With the program we will be doing, I am going to up that to half your body weight in ounces of water to help you reach your goals quicker.  I also noticed you mentioned that you skip breakfast.  Our healthy meal shakes are going to help simplify mornings for you and by adding in that meal... it will jumpstart your metabolism! I am excited to help you.  
Are you ready for this?"

Product Script

(after they respond to coaching snippet above respond with next script)

In the picture below you will see the Basic Program that we recommend people do throughout the 21 day challenge.  It includes a canister of shake mix (30 meals) and a canister of protein drink mix (our plant based milk replacement).
There are also 2 Jumpstart Boosters to help you get faster results. You can choose one or both of them which would be the ULTIMATE JUMPSTART!!
Jumpstart 1: Aloe + Tea
The aloe is going to help aid in digestive health for a healthy gut. The tea is going to help boost your metabolism and give you energy while burning calories.
Jumpstart 2: Aminogen + Prolessa
The aminogen is going to help process your proteins and relieve bloated belly and gassiness. The prolessa is going to help target belly fat and curb your hunger.
ULTIMATE Package: ALL 6 products for best results!
Which products would you want to start with?


Ordering Script

(send after they respond to what products they want to start with)
Awesome.  It's super easy to order.  I am going to have you go to my website ______.goherbalife.com so you can create a profile.  I have created combos (same name combos as what is on the flyer) to simplify your ordering.  If you want different flavors then what is suggested, just choose those individually as you shop.  
Once your order is through - please let me know!! It should take 3-5 days for delivery depending on when you order.  I will be adding you to our facebook group a few days before the challenge begins.  I know you are going to get amazing results and rock this challenge!!

Setup your website 
with combos

Be sure to set up your website with the same combos/names as what is on the product

You will go "Customers" in the dropdown and then go to "Admin & Setup" section
for your GOHerbalife site.

Inside of that dropdown... click on "Product Combos" and create each one.  

The examples are listed below.  

Suggested flavors to choose based
on popularity and gluten free options: 

French Vanilla F1, 
Vanilla PDM 616g,
Raspberry Tea 1.8 oz 
Mango Aloe pint.


(After they have ordered their products, send them this next script)
Now that your products are on their way... let's talk FOOD! We are going to keep it simple with our basic fat loss meal plan which includes:
- 2 healthy colorful meals power packed with protein and fibrous low carb veggies
- 2 healthy meal replacement shakes
- 2 healthy protein based snacks
You are going to eat every 2.5-3 hours to keep your metabolism boosted.  Make sure to eat your first meal of the day within 30-45 minutes of waking up.  TIP: Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to boost that metabolism, too!
These pics below will help you with some healthy options.  For your two meals... pick a protein with at least 20g+ of protein and 1 cup+ of fibrous carbs.  For snacks... focus on 15g+ of protein.


(Send this script the day before the challenge starts)
Tomorrow is DAY 1!!! Time to get prepared for the challenge.  Failing to plan is planning to fail.  I want you to get the best results possible. Get to the grocery store if you haven't yet.  Plan out your meals and snacks.
Here is your link to our private Facebook group for the challenge: 
Click here for private group chat

Facebook Group LINK
Please take a picture of your feet on your scale and send me your starting weight.  
Be sure to take your before pics today.  You can set your phone up to take a full body selfie or have somebody take them for you.  Send them back to me when you're done. These will not be shared with anybody, but are needed for judging at the end of the challenge.  If you are comfortable showing more skin please do so for better judging… If you feel more comfortable in a tank top and shorts, please feel free to do that! Pics are required. Be sure to wear the same clothes in the before and after for easier judging.
Watch the Facebook page for our LIVE videos.  The topics are listed below:




Before & After EXAMPLES

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